We all know a mother’s breast milk has huge health benefits, however, experts have finally taken the initiative to test a compound found in the milk to see if it can treat Cancer.
Researchers in Sweden’s Lunt University accidentally stumbled on this compound – nicknamed it “Hamlet” (as you do), and then injected it into bladder Cancer patients.
Their findings were that these patients injected with Hamlet, within only days, began to shed dead tumour cells through their urine.
Professor Catharina Svanborg (Immunologist) found the substance by chance, and observed that it kills tumour cells while she was working on antibiotics research.
She told the Daily Mail, “There’s something magical about Hamlet’s ability to target tumour cells and kill them.”
The compound she is referring to is a protein called alpha-lactalbumin. When it enters the gut it transforms into a cancer fighter.
Professor Catharina also mentions, unlike Chemotherapy, Hamlet targets cancer cells while leaving healthy cells untouched.
From here, the researchers plan to pit hamlet against a placebo in a trial.
The golden magic, kicking goals repeatedly.
Check out our article about another research that studies breast milk’s antibodies to fight of COVID-19 here.