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The Koolá™ Doll. The Baby Sleep Aid of the Century.

International Patent Pending.
The Koolá™ Doll. The Baby Sleep Aid of the Century.
Aus Designed & Owned.
International Patent Pending.
The Koolá™ Doll. The Baby Sleep Aid of the Century.
Aus Designed & Owned.
International Patent Pending.
The Koolá™ Doll. The Baby Sleep Aid of the Century.
Aus Designed & Owned.
International Patent Pending.
The Koolá™ Doll. The Baby Sleep Aid of the Century.
Aus Designed & Owned.
International Patent Pending.
The Koolá™ Doll. The Baby Sleep Aid of the Century.
Aus Designed & Owned.
International Patent Pending.
The Koolá™ Doll. The Baby Sleep Aid of the Century.
Aus Designed & Owned.
International Patent Pending.
The Koolá™ Doll. The Baby Sleep Aid of the Century.
Aus Designed & Owned.

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From My Sick Baby to the Koolá™ Doll: A Journey of Inspiration and Innovation.

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Peta, an Australian first-time mum from Newcastle, shares her inspiring journey of creating the Koolá™ Doll- a unique science based comforter for children. Peta’s daughter, Indie, was born with Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD), Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA), and tongue and lip ties, leading to extreme feeding difficulties, constant pain and little sleep.

The early days were challenging as Indie struggled to breastfeed and lost weight rapidly. Medical professionals were confused about what was causing Indie to be so unwell. Frustrating experiences with specialists left Peta and her husband feeling lost and helpless. Indie constantly cried incessantly, and finding a solution seemed impossible.

After months of searching for answers, even staying at a family care centre, with no luck, Peta finally found a Paediatric Gastroenterologist who changed everything. With the right medication, Indie’s condition improved and at one year old Indie was finally on the road to being a happy healthy child.

The family celebrated having a happy healthy baby, however at 18 months of age, Indie’s sleep patterns, deeply ingrained from the enduring pain she had experienced since birth, continued to resemble that of a newborn. The family was beyond exhausted. Indies’ health was finally on the right track but now her next hurdle was fixing Indies’ sleep.

Desperate for a solution and little faith in the system, Peta experimented with many techniques and found her natural instincts of singing to Indie was by far the most effective thing she did. However, a new challenge emerged. Even 40 minutes after Indie fell asleep, she would wake up whenever Peta and her voice singing left the room. Singing for long periods was tiring for Peta.

This dilemma led to the discovery of Koolá’s Sing to Sleep Technology™. Peta decided to record her voice and play it for Indie, so Indie would continue to stay relaxed and comforted. It worked and this led Peta to immerse herself in the scientific literature on the topic to find out why and how. She discovered a large amount of research on the topic, and found more than just positive sleep outcomes for babies. She found pre recordings of the mothers or fathers voice resulted in neurological advances for infants amongst other wonderful findings.

One remarkable finding was that infants could hear and remember their parents’ voices, as well as the songs sung to them during their time in the womb. The Koolá’s Sing to Sleep Technology™ can be beneficial for all infants since they have all been exposed to their parents’ voices during pregnancy. However, there was an even more unique function that pregnant mothers could take advantage of. By choosing a song to sing to the baby daily during pregnancy, the baby would not only remember their mother’s voice but also establish a stronger association for relaxation and sleep compared to those who solely remembered their mother’s voice without a specific song.

A mother’s voice is a more natural option compared to white noise. Science shows white noise can delay language development for infants, whereas recordings of the mothers voice can advance language development.

Peta decided to take things to the next level and to embed the sound box into a doll. After many prototypes she found success and also went a step further and used some other scientific findings to create 4 additional sleep songs that are based on neuroscience research.

The Koolá™ Doll is a linen koala doll embedded with an inbuilt sound box. Peta wanted the doll to reflect Australian culture and be gender-neutral to appeal to any child. Drawing inspiration from attachment theory, Peta aimed to create a calming and sleep-promoting companion not only for babies but for any age child. Today at age 6 Indie still carries around her Koolá (which she calls “stuffy”) and will not go to sleep without it.

Peta’s journey from having a sick baby to creating the Koolá™ Doll is a story of determination, innovation, and inspiration. Through her experiences, she hopes to bring comfort and improved sleep to families around the world, offering a solution rooted in the power of a mother’s voice and attachment-based principles.

Peta’s more detailed story is below.

Read in full: Our family's Journey to Creating the Koolá™ Doll.

Imagine your newborn was constantly in pain, so much so that it barely slept. This was our family’s reality for the first year of our daughter’s life.

Hi, my name is Peta, I am a mum from Newcastle, N.S.W Australia. I would love to share with you our story: our experiences as first-time parents and how this journey led me to create a unique sleeping aid for children.

In late 2016, baby Indie was born with undiagnosed GORD (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease), CMPA (Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy), as well as both tongue and lip ties. It wasn’t until day 2 that we knew something was not right. Our baby girl wasn’t latching, and although she looked like she was feeding, she wasn’t properly sucking.

Unfortunately, the pediatrician conducted quick checks on her, buzzing in and out of the hospital room on the morning after she was born. He missed her tongue and lip ties completely, and this was a pivotal moment for us. If he had identified these issues early on, the trouble we all experienced could have been much less, with a simple instant correction.


Indie couldn’t latch to my breast, and she was taking in so much air when trying to feed that it exacerbated her GORD, which she had inherited from both myself and my husband. We were unaware that she had this condition until eight months later when an amazing specialist at the Royal Randwick Hospital diagnosed her.

On day 3, the nurses instructed us to put her on formula because she was losing weight rapidly. As a person who was passionate about natural health, I was initially against this idea. However, my milk came in, and I started developing mastitis because it wasn’t being removed by Indie due to her inability to suck. So, I started pumping my milk with a double breast pump, but only a small amount came out, even though my breasts appeared to be full. The nurses said it wasn’t enough for Indie to exclusively feed.

They kept us in the hospital because they were worried about Indies’ weight. Nurses were all freaking out, arguing all the time and stressed because Indie was so irritable. They all gave conflicting advice, and although lactation consultants tried to help, nothing was working. One midwife waited until the other nurses were out of our room and leaned in close to my face and whispered: “You are better off at home, if I was you I would leave here immediately.”

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The next morning I told them we were going home.

As first-time parents, we were completely clueless about caring for a newborn, let alone one who was in constant pain. We lost a lot of trust since our hospital experience. For the first few months of Indie’s life, we battled alone while she projectile vomited all day, every day. We hoped it would just ease over time. Eventually seeking help, we visited specialist after specialist, but no one could identify the cause of her symptoms, leaving us feeling helpless and frustrated. Indie cried incessantly, day and night, and the stench of acid permeated our home and clothing, even after deep cleaning.

The nights were especially difficult as she was more irritable, and her first sleep wouldn’t come until 1:30 am every night/morning. Her body would eventually crash from the continuous screaming and back arching, but after a short nap she would wake up screaming again, and nothing we did seemed to help. I researched constantly, trying to figure out the root of her pain, and thought maybe a family care centre could help since they specialized in baby sleep. But after spending a week there, they couldn’t offer any solutions since Indie’s issues were health-related. I didn’t know what to do next as I hoped it would all be resolved at the centre.


While at the family care centre, I researched cow’s milk protein allergy as Indie exhibited all the symptoms, so I requested a tub of non-cow’s milk formula from a visiting doctor. The first feed of the formula showed a huge reduction in Indie’s crying and arching, but she was still projectile vomiting. I took her to see an immunologist who prescribed the same formula, made from potatoes, which is not ideal for a health-conscious mother like myself as there is basically no nutrition. Nonetheless, it helped her gut, and when I changed my diet to be dairy and soy-free, her symptoms further improved.

Although a lot less, Indie still displayed pain symptoms of screaming and arching, and her skin still emitted a strong acid smell. However I noticed she was less irritated when given my breast milk rather than the formula. One day, she stopped taking the formula entirely. She had her one cup/a small bottle of my breast milk, but when it came to feeding her the formula she refused it completely each time I offered it, tight lipped and turning her head away with a high pitched scream.

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That day was a bad day that will stay with me forever as the screaming was unforgettable and I was freaking out alone with worry and no idea what to do.

I had heard stories of babies rejecting their feeds and having to be tube-fed, and I would have done anything to avoid that. For 18 hours, Indie consumed barely anything. Although I had heard of milk donors before, I never thought it would be necessary for us. However, I had no more milk left to feed her. At that moment, I was running out of ideas, so I quickly sought help to find a local milk donor community. I knew nothing about milk donors, but what I learned fast was that getting a milk donor wasn’t easy, especially a milk donor who wasn’t consuming any dairy or soy and wasn’t on any medications.


One local mother contacted me who had one cup full of milk to give to Indie. It was such a relief. That feed got her through until the following day, and the next day, we found our next closest donor who was a one-hour drive from us with enough milk to last a few days. Some weeks, we lived day-to-day, driving to get enough milk to feed Indie just for that day. However, some donors we had 2-4 hours away were able to produce enough for us to have milk for 2-4 weeks. These big donations were such a relief, as we could breathe for a few weeks without worrying about where the next lot was coming from.

Although Indie was still not sleeping, her symptoms had improved, most notably her stomach not being rock-hard and like a balloon. However, she still continued to projectile vomit. I spent six hours per day/night pumping my milk just to get one small bottle to feed her. Being on the breast pump every few hours meant I had my pumping time to research on my iPad (as I had a good technique of balancing the bottles making my hands free for the tablet)! I figured out she had tongue and lip ties and sought help from two specialists who were experts in the field. Once they corrected the ties, there was another level of instant improvement as her seal around the bottle was more secure, resulting in less wind.

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Unfortunately, her ties were corrected too late and even though she wasn’t sucking in air anymore, the window of her learning the special sucking method for drawing in milk from the breast we were told by her feeding specialist was gone, hence why she still wasn’t able to breastfeed when I persisted with her.

I was devastated, as breastfeeding would have made life so much easier for us, since my milk would have increased from the latching and we wouldn’t have had to run around getting milk donors. However, on the positive side, her air intake while feeding was reduced. It was clear that Indie’s pain was reduced, but she was still irritable and smelling acidic, which meant that something was still not right. I wasn’t going to give up, as I knew she was still experiencing pain.

I came across a forum where someone discussed a similar situation and how they found a specialist who changed their child’s life. I contacted the woman in the forum for the details, and luckily, the Paediatric Gastroenterologist was only a few hours from where we lived. I made an appointment with him, and after examining Indie, he said that we were very lucky because if we had waited any longer, Indie’s esophagus would have been permanently damaged, and her incoming teeth would have rotted from the continuous acid exposure.

He was shocked and disgusted by everything we had been through and how the system had repeatedly failed us. He gave Indie an adult strength medication for her GORD, as she was far beyond mild strength treatment.

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It worked and she was like a completely new child. Experiencing this new child made me feel robbed of the peace we should have had from day one.

Indie had three interrelated problems, which is why doctors were baffled and would throw it into the too-hard basket. All three issues needed to be addressed by removing dairy and soy (CMPA), then reducing air intake with the TT and LT corrected, and finally neutralising the acid with her GORD medication. If only the ties were identified and corrected from day one, we could have simply avoided dairy, and she could have had a normal breastfeeding experience and much better sleeping patterns.

Regarding Indie’s sleep, after she was fully healed (around the 18-month mark), her sleeping pattern (or shall I say, lack thereof) was deeply ingrained. She wasn’t crying or in pain, but her body was so accustomed to not sleeping that she would stay awake until 1:30 am every morning and continue to wake up after 30-45 minutes, which is what a newborn’s sleep cycle looks like. I was extremely sleep-deprived – literally a walking zombie. Read my short rant about sleep misconceptions here.

My friends with kids the same age would complain about their lack of sleep, and I would just laugh and not bother to discuss our family’s sleep deprivation. At this time, I didn’t have the strength to socialize, so my interactions were barely ever face-to-face.

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I see mums today in their mothers' group meetings and wish we could have had those experiences.

I went from someone who had no idea about babies to researching everything to do with babies all day every day. I discovered attachment theory also known as attachment parenting. This method results in huge benefits for children – over all other approaches.

Science tells us that co-sleeping and attachment style practices are positive for the child’s development however I personally could not co-sleep with Indie. When she was first born we built a side bed connected to our bed. We still live by the attachment and gentle parenting ideologies, however unfortunately at night co-sleeping directly in our bed was only going to happen when Indie was unwell or could not cope as my sleep deprivation would have become even worse.

She had outgrown her side cot so we had her cot mattress on the floor next to our bed. I am the lightest sleeper you could ever imagine. Any distractions close to me keep me awake. I can even hear people down the street talking and walking! So once Indie’s health improved and we didn’t need to worry about her choking on vomit in bed, I moved her out of our bedroom so I could finally get some longer blocks of sleep.

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This is when I started to do something that got Indie to sleep, I found the benefits were backed by lots of science and there wasn’t any product out there using this method.

This is what led to the development of the Koolá Doll.

After implementing her night routine of feeding, bath and bedtime consistently I would sing to her and when she appeared to be asleep I would wait 40 minutes after she was asleep and walk out of her room and once I was out my voice was gone and she would cry-out for me to come back.

Something sparked me to start researching the connections between the mother’s voice and the baby’s brain.

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I found there was a lot of research that showed that the mother’s voice being heard throughout the child’s development in the womb was very soothing for the infant after birth. There were not only soothing capabilities, there were neurological improvements found - amongst many other benefits.

I was so happy to learn there was more to singing to a baby than its ability to facilitate sleep. Learning about the neurological benefits of a mother’s voice when singing to her baby, as well as the recollection of songs heard in the womb, motivated me to explore this concept further. I started playing around with a recording box and found when I recorded my voice it also worked effectively for soothing Indie to sleep, just as it did with a study on preemie babies using their parents recorded voices.

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Her sleeping improved week after week since using the sound recorder.

She would wake and hear my voice and then drift off again (connecting sleep cycles). It also allowed me to walk out of her room faster when I was putting her to sleep.

I started to look at options like building an app but with child safety as a focus I knew this wouldn’t align with my values. Through my years of studies I have learnt that smart devices and Wi-Fi devices emit Electromagnetic Frequencies [EMF’s] emitted by smart devices and Wi-Fi devices have been shown in studies to be potentially harmful, especially in close proximity. Making a baby sleep app would be the easiest and most profitable way to go about this but the health of children is the entire reason for creating this product.

So I made a low tech sound box without the need for WI-FI or a SMART phone.

Babies love toys and create sleep associations around tangible objects, so I decided to build my special sound box into an Earthy natural looking doll.

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Infants get heavily attached to comforters alone, imagine a comforter that also had those emotional connections with the mother embedded.

As a natural parent, I’m mindful of harmful toxins in baby toys and loveys that may come into contact with a baby’s skin or mouth, so I decided to use linen fabric for the Koolá™ Doll. Being an Australian mum, I wanted to incorporate our unique Australian culture into the design, so I made the doll with a strong Aussie theme that was also gender-neutral. This way, parents who choose not to learn the gender of their baby before birth can have the doll ready from day one.

I also wanted the doll’s appearance to not over stimulate the child in terms of color and opted for natural tones, since the main objective is calming and promoting better sleep. When it came to shape and design I chose a koala and found the best handmade doll designer in Australia. It couldn’t have been more perfect that doll designer Keira Hunt just happened to live minutes from my house. Together, we incorporated the sound box into the back of the koala in a functional way that allows parents to access the sound box with a click of a button without disturbing the baby.


It was time to name this doll and after a lot of discussion as you are aware I decided to call the doll “The Koolá™ Doll” as the word Koolá™ is an indigenous word for Koala.

The Koolá™ brand was born.

Unlike all other sleep aids on the market there are many ways the Koolá Doll™ can be used.

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The most effective approach is for parents to start planning for the use of the Koolá™ Doll before the baby is born.

The mother’s and father’s voices are the first sounds the baby hears from around the 20 week mark. There are several ways to use the Koolá™ Doll, however to get the most magic out of this sleep aid there’s something you can do when the mother is pregnant. Either mum or her partner should sing a song to the baby (the baby bump) on a daily basis. Then when the baby is born the Koolá™ Doll can be turned on playing your voice singing the familiar song – reminding the baby of that same sound they heard when they felt safe and comfortable in the womb.


Read the science that supports positive health outcomes for babies exposed to pre-recorded sounds of their mother’s voice here.

There are no right or wrong ways to use the Koolá™ Doll as every single baby has developed in the womb with their mother’s voice. A child will always remember their mother’s voice. If the father was close by when the child was in the womb his voice will also be remembered. The magic is there whether you have prepared a song pre-birth or not. By starting early, the baby will be more likely to develop a strong attachment to the doll and find comfort in it when needed.

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My husband snored throughout my pregnancy and I found that my daughter today still relaxes and is soothed by the recording of his snoring!

Since I was going to the trouble of making this doll to help other families I figured I may as well pack in more unique features that support children with relaxation and sleep. Every child is different- why not pack the Koolá™ Doll with extra magic while I am there, as what works for one child may be different for another child – so the more options the better.

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We created four very special sleep soundtracks.

With the help of a team of sound experts, we have created four pre-programmed soundtracks that parents can choose from, in addition to the option of recording their own sound. These soundtracks are not your average lullabies. They contain special low frequency sound waves that are designed to promote relaxation and sleep by synchronizing with the brain and promoting alpha brainwave and deep sleep delta wave activity. We have also incorporated Solfeggio frequency, which have been used for centuries across various cultures as a healing tool. Sound has long been recognized as a powerful medium for balancing the mind and body, from shamanic chants of indigenous tribes to the mantras of Hinduism and Buddhism.

Learn more about the scientific studies using sound frequencies music for healing here.

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Parents can either play their voice to their baby or select one of the four soundtracks.

After conducting extensive research into the scientific literature on sleep and music, I made the conscious decision not to include white noise in the Koolá’s sound machine. Two main reasons for this are that there are no decent studies on white noise that show it to be effective for sleep, actually it is quite the contrary.

The second reason for concern was the research indicating possible effects of white noise on language development in infants. Prolonged exposure to white noise has been shown to cause language delays in infants’ brains. This is because white noise lacks patterns and space between sounds, making it difficult for infants to form the neural pathways essential for language development.

To learn more about why white noise is potentially bad for infants read this.

We created soundtracks that are low frequency. Low frequency music has a ton of research consistently showing it greatly supports sleep as well as many additional health outcomes. We also chose not to utilise pink noise or brown noise. Learn why the Koolá™ soundtracks do not use white, pink or brown noise here.

The Koolá™ sleep songs incorporate low frequency stimulating patterns throughout the music tracks, while also being mindful of space between sounds. Our aim is to provide a more natural and stimulating environment for infants that supports their language development and at the same time supporting sleep.

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A study showed when young rats were exposed to unchanging, random sounds like white noise, the development of their brain's hearing center was postponed. White noise, which lacks any discernible auditory patterns like radio static or the hum of an air conditioner, differs from speech or music.

If parents want to use something other than their voice for soothing the baby to sleep, they can select from one of the four Koolá™ sleep melodies. Our sound team ensured the Koolá™ Doll soundtracks still have a similar feel to white and pink noise – lessening the exterior noise and preventing the child being startled. While still providing opportunity through patterns and space for the development of the brain’s hearing center.

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This doll has been in the testing and development phase for 4 years.


And it will continue to improve and evolve.

We have meticulously designed our product to ensure a positive user experience for both parents and children. With the convenience of a built-in rechargeable battery, you can say goodbye to worries about running out of batteries. The timer options on the sound box allow you to customise the play duration of the sound tracks and voice recording, providing flexibility and control. The power light was carefully selected to support melatonin production, promoting a calming sleep environment. Additionally, you have the freedom to control the volume and access the sound box from outside of the toy.

Furthermore, our multipurpose chew ring necklace provides versatility and can be easily attached to cribs or strollers making it harder for your little one to lose when on the go.

There are so many wonderful things about the Koolá™ Doll that makes it such a special baby sleep product. Our daughter is 6 years old and still carries her Koolá™ around with her (she called it Stuffy).

The Koolá™ Doll is unlike other products purchased for children today that will be ignored and tossed out after a few short months.

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This doll is special! It is a keepsake that children cherish for years and they can hand down to their own children.

Children of any age who have anxiety are also responsive to the Koolá™ Doll as hearing their parent’s voice or a personalised sound is a calming tool. As a Special Needs Educator myself I know how challenging life is for many children with Anxiety and Autism and I hope many children benefit from the Koolá™ not only for aiding babies sleep.

There are so many helpful possibilities – another example is how the doll can assist parents who have a surrogate mother carrying their baby. Playing the mother’s voice singing a song daily to the baby while it develops in the womb can help the parents form attachment after birth.

Life is a journey and I can honestly say the Koolá™ Doll wouldn’t be here today without the birth and those challenges we went through in our journey with our daughter Indie.

I hope the Koolá™ brings your family as much joy as it has for us.

The Truth about Babies Sleep - The Misconceptions All First Time Mothers Need to Know.

This is my short(ish) rant about baby sleep misconceptions, which I feel is imperative for new or soon to be mother’s to know.

Through our sleep struggles I read everything there was to do with infants’ sleep. What I learnt was, there are a lot of misconceptions amongst the baby sleep community, of which I will write a full article on in the future when I get time (haaa yeah right).

What I can briefly tell you is something you already know, and that is babies are not adults so assuming their sleep patterns will be anything like adults isn’t logical and/or training them to be like adults. Allowing a baby to cry it out is not sleep training. A child who stops crying and is silent is most likely a child who has given up on asking for their needs to be met (aka learned helplessness). The question you need to ask yourself is, are these methods training a baby to sleep? Can a baby be trained to do anything at this age?

The only training that needs to happen is the training of the parents, not the children. The parents need to learn a great deal to ensure their babies’ needs are met.

Nurturing the connection between a mother and her baby is what nature intended. Look at the interactions animals have with their babies and the bonding they have for those first years. Methods like cry it out are the polar opposite of nurturing a connection and research has shown that the bond between mother and baby impacts the child well into the adult years. There have been studies conducted that show a correlation between adults who have anxiety and how they were nurtured as infants.

It would be great for expecting parents to know in advance that their baby most likely will not be sleeping for long unbroken durations so parents do not have their heart set on unrealistic expectations. Especially for the first year. If anyone tells you a baby waking 4-6 times through the night isn’t normal, run the other way! It is important to learn about the babies’ development including the circadian rhythm, melatonin production, sleep cycles/phases and understanding the babies needs and wants – cues, etc. If you can learn about these things before the baby is born you will have a lot more success in supporting your baby’s sleep as well as your own.

Reducing unsettled periods between the babies sleep cycles comes down to understanding the above and supporting the baby in connecting those sleep cycles together through meeting their needs. If you can nail all of the finer details like room temperature, what you dress baby in for bed, providing a consistent environment (what they see and hear when they go to sleep matches what they see and hear when they wake), providing a predictable and consistent bedtime routine, identifying and meeting hunger needs, reducing irritations such as lights and anything that might irritate baby then when baby wakes between the cycles – then baby will be more likely to fall back to sleep without needing to ask for your help.

If they are hungry they will be needing your help and they are going to holla out! If they have a wet nappy they need your help, if they see a scary shadow on their wall that wasn’t there when they fell asleep they will want you to make them feel safe. Sure you can ignore them until they stop crying and they will eventually stop asking for you but the thing to remember is this is not forever. It is hard for the first few years and it can feel like it is all too much but before you know it years will quickly pass and you will be wishing for those moments where your baby was asking for you and they won’t be there.

When a child’s brain develops “Object Permanence” (between age 9 months to 1 year old) sleep regression is often spoken about by almost all parents. If you put a toy under a blanket the baby will not try to pull the blanket up to find the toy or get distressed that it is gone. In their mind it just no longer exists. As the working memory develops the child seeks out to find the toy or…the parent (aka crying) For example a child who has developed object permanence will call out asking for you if you were in their view or touching them as they fell asleep. Before this developed they just stare into oblivion clueless about where you went. The anxiety really starts once they develop this. Having the Koolá™ Doll visible to your baby when he/she goes to sleep either with or without you helps to keep the environment consistent. As does the sound coming from the Koolá™ Doll.

This is the main reason sleep trainers promote sleep training and cry it out methods as they know once the baby develops object permanence the baby will ask for you every time it wakes and you are not there, even if they are not hungry or need you to meet a need. There are some sleep specialists who do not support cry it out but they basically teach you how to get into a good routine and learn in depth everything I have just mentioned. These sleep trainers or specialists usually label themselves as more gentle and natural. If you are not planning to co sleep these are the people you would want to guide you. At the bottom of this page there is a list of my recommendations.

We are tribal people. Today for many of us we have no tribe and we are battling on our own. Do not isolate yourself. If you have a family who can support you, make it happen. If you have a bestie who can help ask for help. If you have none of the above, ask for support in communities. And if you are reading this before you give birth take the time to research all of the above and build your tribe. Trust me you will thank me for the heads up as you will need support.

When it comes to babies’ sleep there is no magic wand you can wave but what you can do is analyse the science surrounding your baby’s development and implement the strategies that utilise that information. Knowledge is power!

As a dedicated special education teacher specializing in behavior support, I understand the importance of paying close attention to all details to maximize positive outcomes. By being analytical and consistent in our approach, we can achieve great results, and the same principle applies to supporting children with sleep. The bar will constantly shift and we need to be grounded and shift with it. When I say be analytical I don’t mean tracking sleep times. This will only tie you in knots. I mean pay close attention to your baby, be observant to a level like you have never before. Get to know their cues, their needs and every detail of the environment and how they respond. Do not get fixated on expectations or a set outcome. Stay as relaxed as possible and go with the flow, listen to your baby and meet their needs.

Also listen to your motherly inner voice aka your intuition. A mother’s intuition is powerful and must never be ignored. My journey with Indie’s health issues at birth would have not been resolved if I ignored my intuition.

There is just so much misinformation out there and so many so-called experts, it is very difficult for us mums to navigate. I wish I knew what I know now. Life sure would have been much easier. There should be government funded education and networks for mothers to be connected with experienced mothers for support. They shouldn’t be hard to find; the links should be sent directly into the pregnant mothers’ inboxes.

If you do not know where to start I have put together this list of: The Best Baby Sleep and Parenting Experts there are. This will lead you on the right path to success.

Share our story with a first time pregnant mother you care about. Knowledge really is power.

Follow my personal adventures on Facebook.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your health routine or treatment.

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    Koolá™ Doll - Personalised Sing-to-Sleep Koala Toy for Babies and Children

    AUD $96.99

    The Koolá™ Doll: More than a sleep aid, it’s a cherished companion that carries a piece of mum’s or dad’s love wherever it travels. With Koolá’s Sing-to-Sleep Technology™ and four bonus soundtracks, this innovative toy is inspired by neuroscience and designed to enhance sleep and nurture child development. Made with durable natural linen and an Australian wool felt nose, this baby keepsake is designed to be loved and cherished for years to come.

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    Australian Wall Decal Stickers – Easy to Use – Nursery Decor | Kids Wall Decals – Full Set Animals & (1.5 Metres Gum Tree)

    AUD $55.00

    Bring the wonders of the Australian wilderness into your home with our captivating Wall Decal Sticker Set. A great alternative to wall paper or framed wall prints. Create a sanctuary of joy and wonder for your children with our impressive decals. Perfect for a gender-neutral nursery or any Australia-themed room, these stickers add magic to any space. Let the beauty of Australian Natives and wildlife inspire your home styling. Whether it’s the joyful laughter of the Kookaburra or the cuddly charm of the Koala, these watercolour designs will stimulate imaginations and evoke the serenity of nature into any space.

    Premium My Firsts – Birth to Five Years Baby Memory Book (Australian Animals Watercolour Art)

    AUD $45.00

    Capture the entire journey from before your baby’s birth with heartfelt letters, ultrasound snapshots, and imprints of their tiny hands and feet. Safeguard their first hospital bracelet, record every joyous occasion, achievement, and present, and so much more – this comprehensive book encompasses all your needs. With generous photo spaces, you can effortlessly chronicle your child’s development, crafting an enduring visual narrative to cherish indefinitely. Moreover, the volume incorporates a dedicated family tree segment to honor your child’s forebears, along with timeless nursery rhymes for shared reading and singing. Elevate your parenting experience by embracing this exceptional baby journal today.

    Mama Necklace | Hypoallergenic Surgical-Grade Steel | Gift for Mothers

    AUD $33.33

    Celebrate the journey of motherhood with our elegant hypoallergenic Mama Necklace and Pendant. Our Mama necklace is different to others as we had this created especially for our friends and family who have sensitive skin. This necklace is hand crafted from the highest quality hypoallergenic SURGICAL-grade stainless steel we could find and makes a meaningful gift for any mother whether she a mum to be, or a new mum.

    Night Light – Red Glow to Sleep | Dusk till Dawn Auto Sensor | Nightlight for Nursery

    AUD $39.99 (or AUD $45.00 for 2-Pack)

    Create a relaxing bedtime routine with our warm red glow nightlight. Specially designed for kids, babies or adults -Glow to Sleep nightlight transforms sleep into a peaceful and calming experience. The warm red light is ideal for both adults and children. Whether you are needing an illuminating night light for co-sleeping, changing nappies, or as a gentle breastfeeding light or you simply want a deeper night sleep -our nightlight is for you! Upgrade your bedtime routine with the Red Glow to Sleep Night Light – where quality sleep begins! Rest easy, save energy, and dream deeper.

    Ultrasound Nursery Prints | Large Personalised Baby Wall Art – Landscape (framed or without frame)

    AUD $112.25 – AUD $143.68

    Celebrate the uniqueness of your child’s ultrasound with this personalised baby poster. It not only captures the cherished memories but also makes a statement as an artistic and meaningful decor piece in any nursery or alongside your nursery prints collection. The thoughtful design and sustainable manufacturing practices further enhance its value as a gift that will be treasured for years to come. Experience the joy of preserving and displaying your baby’s first moments with this Pregnancy Ultrasound Scan Poster with Frame. Order now and embrace this beautiful and sustainable way to celebrate the miracle of life in your nursery prints collection.


    Conditions: Free shipping only available for orders shipped within Australia.
    Note: Nightlight plug compatible with Australia, Argentina, and Papua New Guinea.


    Order a Koolá Doll and get 1 x red glow to sleep night light.


    Order any products from our website to the value of $150 AUD or above
    and get 2 red glow to sleep night lights.


    Order any products from our website to the value of $200 AUD or above and get 2 red glow to sleep night lights plus 1 free Mama Necklace.


    Conditions: Offer cannot be stacked with other offers.


    Order any products from our website and get $10 AUD off international shipping.


    Order any products from our website to the value of $100 AUD or above and get $10 AUD off shipping and 1 free Mama Necklace.


    Order any products from our website to the value of $150 AUD or above
    and get 2 red glow to sleep night lights.


    Order any products from our website to the value of $200 AUD or above and get 2 red glow to sleep night lights plus 1 free Mama Necklace.

    The Koola, the Baby Sleep Aide of the Century.

    Backed by science, this Mother’s invention will take the world by storm!
    Supporting NCIU babies as well as children of all ages.
    Be the first to get your hands on this magical product.
    This is no ordinary toy, it is a time piece children will hand down to their own children.
    And, of course, make sleeping a pleasurable experience.

    Join our VIP list to get yours at our special offer for our VIP’s.


    Grab your free printables here! We will redirect you to the page and send you the access link once you enter your email.


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    About the Inventor of The Koolá™ Doll

    Hi, I’m Peta, the Aussie mum behind Koolá™. My baby’s sleep troubles inspired the creation of Koolá™. Scientific studies show that pre-recorded parent voices can offer both neurological and health benefits. Say goodbye to harmful white noise and soothe your child naturally today!

    Contact Us


    Check out these links for other useful information:

    Emma Rossi

    As a registered nurse and a third time mum and I thought I knew everything about baby sleep. This has really opened up my eyes and shown me the importance of the baby’s time in the womb. I am excited to see your invention change baby sleep for others.


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